Gear and Food for Day Trip

WEAR - Wool or polypro Tshirt, shorts, socks, boots or strong shoes, gaiters, wool or fleece jumper.  No cotton clothing, jeans, track pants.

IN YOUR PACK:  Pack with plastic liner, torch, sunscreen, personal first aid kit, toilet paper, survival blanket, emergency food (muesli bar), money for transport. Additional Clothing:  Long johns, long sleeve wool or polypro top, raincoat and over trousers, hat and gloves.

FOOD – lunch, snacks, water bottle

IN THE BUS - Spare clothing for changing into at the end of the trip and plastic bag for dirty boots

GROUP GEAR (supplied by leader):  Shelter (tent fly), map and compass, personal locator beacon.

The Department of Conservation has gear list available for short walks and day hikes.


Gear and Food for Weekend Trip

 In addition to the above: -

IN YOUR PACK:  Sleeping bag and liner, sleeping mat, tent, cooker, gas bottle, matches, pot, plate, spoon, mug, cutlery, spare dry clothes for night, light camp/hut shoes, toilet gear, small towel, hut tickets or DOC pass, money for transport.

FOOD:  Breakfast, 2 lunches, dinner, snacks and emergency food (muesli bar, noodles, dehydrated meal)

An example checklist can be found here Click 'Download' top left to save a copy to your PC then replace the example weights with weights of your equipment and food.


Winter or Mountains

Additional warm top, woollen or fleece trousers, outdoor gloves, warm hat, extra socks.



Sunglasses, sunscreen, crampons and ice axe


What to take to the lodge

Weekend and mountain gear plus pillowcase and hut shoes. Crockery, cutlery, pots & utensils are provided.